
Bryan Cranston stars as a New Orleans judge who is forced to confront his own deepest convictions when his son is involved in a hit and run that embroils an organized crime family. As a storm of vengeance, lies and deceit threatens to engulf the entire city, Michael Desiato faces a series of increasingly impossible choices and discovers just how far an honest man will go to sav...


  • 第1集

    警之光 第二季

  • 第04集

    摩登家庭 第七季

  • 第2集

    蝙蝠女侠 第二季

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  • 第01集

    动物管制官 第二季

  • 第01集

    鬼娃恰吉 第三季

  • 第1集

    美国恐怖故事 第十二季

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